Shop Capabilities
-CNC Plasma Table: 1-1/4’’ stainless steel, 1-1/2” thick carbon steel up to 72” x 144” cutting capacity.
–CNC 6KW Laser Table: 7/8” carbon steel plate, and 1/2” stainless steel plate up to 72”x144” cutting capacity
–CNC 230 Ton Press Brake: 1/2’’ thick by 5′ long max capacity, capable of braking 12′ wide material up to 1/4” thick.
-Niagara Shear: 10’ wide by 1/4’’ thick capacity.
-Plate Rolls: 5/16’’x 6′ wide capacity.
-50 ton Iron Worker: 1-1/2″ dia. through 1/2” material punch capacity, shear up to 3/4” by 8” flat bar, notch up to 3 x 3 x 1/4” angle iron.
–25′ overhead crane: with 5 ton lifting capacity.
-Welding: Full staff of experienced tradesmen capable of welding stainless & carbon steel, aluminum, hastelloy, inconel and other specialty metals.